PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

PRP treatment for hair loss

Do you know the remedy for hair growth is present inside in your body? Yes! You heard it right. It is PRP therapy.

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP has been used for many years to get beautiful skin through popular vampire facial. Now, its role has studied extensively in the control of hair fall and promoting hair growth.

Hairfall is one of the most common problems experiencing both men and women these days. Among them, androgenetic alopecia or patterned hair loss in both the genders is a distressing condition, causing less self-esteem and taking away the self-confidence. Androgenetic alopecia affects 80% of men and nearly 40% of women during their lifetime.

Androgenetic alopecia/Male pattern hair loss (MPHL)

MPHL is a progressive balding condition that frequently starts on the top of the head or receding hairline at the frontal and temple areas.

MPHL stages



It is inherited from both the parents

Hormonal factors

DHT (Dihydro-testosterone) is a sex hormone, produced from testosterone naturally by the 5α-reductase enzyme. Excess amounts of DHT have found in MPHL leading to the conversion of thicker terminal hair into thin vellus hair on the scalp's crown, frontal, and temporal regions. This activity continues until follicles shrink and stop producing hair.

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL)

FPHL is one of the most common hair loss causes in women of age 40-60 years. It is characterized by widening of the central partition of scalp due to thinning of hair.

Sinlcair stages of FPHL



It is inherited from both the parents

Hormonal factors

Most frequently secondary to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) where increased androgens responsible for hair thinning.

PRP therapy is a simple, non-surgical option and valuable treatment modality for androgenetic alopecia. Besides, it also found to be useful in the treatment of chronic telogen hair loss.

What is PRP therapy?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) means a rich concentration of platelets that present into a small volume of plasma, i.e. it contains 3 to 5 times the number of platelets that generally found in the blood. PRP contains multiple growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor (TGF) and others. These factors enhance tissue healing and also support hair growth. It is a safe, simple and non-surgical treatment option for hair loss.

How PRP works?

Various studies conducted by the medical community had shown promising results with PRP on hair growth. When PRP is injected, into the scalp, it stimulates the dermal papilla cells (located inside the hair follicle) to multiply. Growth factors released from the platelets act on the stem cells situated in the hair follicle's bulge region, promote the new hair follicle growth through neovascularization. Thus, PRP enhances the quantity of hair apart from increasing the thickness of hair fibre.

Human Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells (HFDPC) | PromoCell

Structure of hair follicle

How is PRP procedure done?

· Your dermatologist collects around 15 to 20 ml of blood from your arm.

· Blood is centrifuged twice (double spin method) to obtain the right concentration of platelets.

· Then, doctors separate platelet rich plasma (PRP) from platelet poor plasma (PPP) in a sterile, clean environment from the test tube.

· To make the procedure more comfortable and painless, your doctor would be applying a topical numbing cream or inject local anaesthetic agent.

· PRP is then injected into the scalp areas with hair loss with tiny needles after activating these platelets.

· The entire procedure takes only 60-90 minutes, and one can resume their routine work immediately.

Whom does PRP treatment work?

PRP works well for all men and women with early androgenetic alopecia (Stages 3-5) and chronic telogen effluvium. It also supports hair, post hair transplantation. However, multiple sessions of PRP treatment are needed to see a good result. Depending upon the grade of androgenetic alopecia, your dermatologist shall decide the number of required sessions. It is also essential to use oral and topical medications prescribed by your doctor, along with PRP treatment. It is always better to start this treatment at early stages rather than late to have the best results.